Who is AAF Charleston?
The National American Advertising Federation (AAF) is the only organization that includes members across all disciplines and career levels in advertising. States across the nation are divided into districts and from there, local chapters. There are 15 districts, 124 state chapters, and 140+ college chapters.
Our local chapter is a part of District 3, representing Virginia, North Carolina, and South Carolina. The district organization serves as the region's unified voice for advertising and comprises state chapter officials. There are a total of nine chapters across three states.
Our goal at AAF Charleston is to encourage and develop interest among organizations, individuals, and students in the local advertising industry. We do so by offering an array of opportunities to get involved in advertising, such as seminars, award shows, networking events, and continuing education.

Genna Shelnut
Buffalo Groupe Rawl Murdy

Nick Escobar
The Brandon Agency

NP Strategy

Nick Murray
First Tuesday Strategies

Barry Sanders
Grace Outdoor

Molly Hefka
Medical University of South Carolina